Andie & Drew, Maternity & Newborn
These sessions are extra special because they feature my sister! Andie and I are three years apart and she’s one of my best friends. She and Drew got married back in 2015, giving me a brother! They are hilarious together, and always so much fun. Last Christmas they shared with our family that they were expecting their rainbow baby. We were over the moon for them. Family is so important to us and I’m so thankful we all live in Middle TN! It was such a joy to document Andie’s beautiful journey to motherhood. She is so resilient and optimistic and I admire that so much about her. Here’s a glimpse into her Maternity Session and then Newborn Session a couple of months later!
Welcome to the world, Roque Andrew Martin! Isn’t he adorable? He has rolls for days!
“To be a mother is a woman’s greatest vocation in life. She is a partner with God. No being has a position of such power and influence. She holds in her hands the destiny of nations, for to her comes the responsibility and opportunity of molding the nation’s citizens.”